Saturday, January 25, 2020

Strategy For Success In College

Strategy For Success In College Exemplification Essay: Write an essay presenting your formula for achieving success in college. You may, if you wish, talk about things such as scheduling time, maintaining a high energy level, and learning how to relax. Use examples from your own experience to make your point. Purpose: The main focus of this essay will be supporting a thesis with examples to illustrate or explain a general point; demonstrating focused, organized and developed paragraphs; and successfully incorporating quotes into your writing. Laid out in front of you is one of the most important examinations in your course. With sweat dripping and your palms perspiring, you anxiously flip through the pages of this never ending examination. Your mind spins and you are overwhelmed by the questions that you have no clue how to do. You know you should have studied, but it is too late now. You had your chance, but you missed it because you were busy playing video games and shopping while you were supposed to be studying and doing your homework. Have you ever experienced this sort of situation before where you felt helpless? By developing good study habits such as managing your time efficiently, preparing and organizing, being aware of and applying your learning style, and maintaining your health, you can become a strong and confident student. One of the main factors contributing to success in college is managing your time efficiently. This allows you to balance between your studies, work, and personal activities. How you use your time reflects on the kind of person you are, and by wisely distributing your time, you can become the person you aspire to be. An instrumental tool for success is a schedule, which can be used to record and keep track of all your assignments and tasks that you are committed to completing. In order to make the best use of your time, it is important for you to know what you want. This helps you set your priorities and become committed to obtaining your desired outcome. Next, you should choose realistic and achievable goals and plan strategies that will help you achieve that goal. It is important to also plan for problems that might arise in order to achieve that goal. One of the most common and serious problems you may encounter is procrastination. Other distractions include the television and other external noises. A quiet and distraction free environment is an ideal studying area. In my first year of high school, I had poor time management skills and suffered from extreme procrastination, which resulted in me achieving low grades. However, after imposing several changes in my life, I began to see drastic changes in my academic life. For one thing, I began to set a timer to cue me in on how much time I should spend on each assignment and how long my study session would last. This helped me finish my work quickly and fight procrastination. In order to combat procrastination, you need to be assertive and take self-control. Dont wait until the last minute to work on assignments, but rather work on them early on so you have more free time. In order to have time for recreation and fun, planning ahead is important. This includes writing down important dates in your schedule and planning how much time you will devote to each assignment or task. In addition to time management, organizing and studying are part of the stepping stones of success. My binders, folders, and cabinets used to be chaotic and disorderly. As a result, I often could not locate my homework assignments. This soon got to a point where I knew I had to change in order to succeed. I insisted on keeping color coded files for my assignments, tests, and other schoolwork and set a cabinet next to my desk with materials ranging from highlighters to rulers in each separate file. Organizing your papers will help you keep track of your grades and, ultimately, progress in your course. Organized notes are a vital studying tool. Knowing and using all your resources is one way to helping you achieve your maximum academic potential. Other ways to enhance your skills are to preview and review the chapter, take adequate notes, and do your homework while the information is fresh in your memory. However, it is not profitable to study a subject for a big chunk of time, having breaks, switching to other subjects, and breaking down chunks of reading will enable you to pay attention better. Another dilemma I was faced with was the inability to concentrate in long study sessions. As a result, I thought of creative ways to help myself concentrate better. I made color coded sticky notes in my textbook and often participated in study sessions. Involvement in a study group with your classmates and asking questions if you don’t understand something are ways that you can become more active in your learning. By developing a habit of regularly studying and having all supplies and materials available, you will become more of an active learner and will soon harvest the fruits of your hard work. Furthermore, in order to learn more efficiently, it is important to know and place emphasis on your learning style. My learning style is auditory. If you are an auditory learner, your best way for learning is to hear the information. Reading the notes out loud or listening to a lecture can help you comprehend the information. If you are a visual learner, you learn best by seeing it in pictures or in action, such as watching a clip or looking at pictures and diagrams. If you are a kinesthetic learner, you learn best by using incorporating all your senses. By using techniques such as conducting an experiment or going on a field trip or tour, you can learn precisely interpret the information. By trial and error, I learned my learning style during the course of my high school career. By reading my notes and chapters out loud, listening to recorded chapters available, and watching clips, I began to unfold a greater learning potential within me. There is one final element that is critical to a successful journey through college. Not only is it important to manage your time efficiently, prepare and organize, and apply your learning style, maintaining your health is just as important. This could include regularly exercising, eating healthy meals, and minimizing your stress. According to a study by Yale University, â€Å"The most important predictors of academic achievement were having no television in the bedroom, maintaining a healthy weight, being physically fit, having a secure source of healthy food, and rarely eating at fast-food restaurants. Other significant factors were not drinking soda or other sweetened drinks and getting enough sleep† (Yale School of Public Health). However, most college students overlook the importance of health and as a result, lead an unhealthy lifestyle. By not getting enough sleep, eating junk food, watching television, and consuming alcohol and drugs, they are prone to many ailments such as emotional and physical stress, obesity, malnutrition, and brain fog. These cause them to lose their ability to focus in class. In addition, most college students suffer from stress due to their hectic schedules. Stress can be minimized by exercising, proper sleep, taking breaks in between work, and meditating. Besides reducing stress, eating healthy is also an indicator in academic success. During breaks I have between study sessions, I snack on healthy foods like baby carrots with ranch or celery with peanut butter. Moreover, exercise is the key to leading a healthy lifestyle. No matter how hectic your life may be, always find a few minutes a day to go out for a walk. I go for a jog after studying to clear my head. By eating healthy and exercising, you can increase your focus and concentration, which leads to a higher energy level and ultimately, higher grades. Imagine the same student from earlier, this time with: better time management, more organization and preparation, and a healthier lifestyle. By eating fruits and vegetables, setting time aside for exercise several times a week, keeping a planner at hand with all his assignments and events written down, he has turned his academic life around. He used to get anxious about taking tests, but this time, he has studied for the test every day for the last two weeks, and knows he understands the material and has nothing to fear. He is confident in his ability to do well because he has structured his life to optimize for academic success.   

Friday, January 17, 2020

Prescribing Art In Mental Health Health And Social Care Essay

Most practicians rely on traditional methods ( antidepressants, CBT and reding ) to pull off mental wellness upsets and merely a minority have an consciousness, understanding or credence of the usage of art as a possible intercession. Critics of ‘art for mental wellness ‘ highlight the wealth of anecdotal and subjective grounds sing wellbeing and self-esteem betterments and the deficiency of quantitative, randomised controlled informations. While the exact mechanism/s of ‘healing ‘ or wellness betterment is a topic for argument, surveies have shown quantitative wellness betterments through art engagement ( shorter infirmary corsets, reduced depression symptoms ) 1,2 These benefits have been recognised and encouraged by many authorities documents, enterprises and reappraisals. In recent old ages, nevertheless, their stated visions and hereafter purposes have produced small direct action and the exact function of art within the boundaries of modern medical specialty is ill defined.Personal aimTo see my ain prepossessions of utilizing art as a direction scheme in mental wellness and to reflect on how my position has changed as a effect of a literature reappraisal and active engagement.PreconceptionsTo measure my ain acquisition and development, it seems appropriate to document my preconceived thoughts sing the engagement of art as a intervention for psychological conditions. Previous experience as an antidepres sant representative for a pharmaceutical company taught me that art psychotherapeutics is a utile adjunct to medicines in ‘moderate ‘ disease and a utile standalone therapy for ‘mild ‘ depression and anxiousness. As a medical pupil, I instinctively grouped art-based therapy together with ‘alternative therapy ‘ and mentally stereotypic categories to doing clayware and picture flowers. While many of my co-workers view all alternate therapies as a ‘waste of resources ‘ or ‘placebo at best ‘ , I have ever kept an unfastened head, believing art likely can assist certain patients. On contemplation, my premise is based upon my theory of causing ; industrialization and consumerism has created an environment, which for many of us is non contributing to mental well-being. From an evolutionary position we are societal animals, designed to be physically active, necessitating regular societal battle and submergence within the ‘natural ‘ environment. This provides creativeness, security, pleasance and support. Today, our inert and frequently stray concrete environment replacement ‘s creativeness for multimedia input. For many, particularly those with any susceptibleness, this being allows psychological jobs to boom. Through take parting in originative activities, I believe that certain societal, environmental and cognitive demands are met. For some, the societal and synergistic facets of art therapy might let the look of suppressed feelings, doing this a signifier of indirect guidance. While my theory might be deemed nonsensical to some, or intuitive to others, the inquiry arises ; should this be funded on the NHS? While art intercessions will offer benefits to some, as a pupil of evidence-based pattern, I need converting. By its really nature, nevertheless, I expect to happen an inordinate sum of literature on instance surveies and descriptions of ‘improve-wellbeing ‘ . I am cognizant that GPs have been able to order art for a figure of old ages, doing me optimistic that robust quantitative grounds and cost-effectiveness analysis exists. By carry oning a literature reappraisal and attention categories myself, I hope to go better informed, to acquire a clearer thought of what art intercession can offer. It would besides be good to reason whether in this clip of fiscal load, the grounds supports the usage of art for mental wellness on the NHS.Literature reappraisalThe grounds for utilizing art to handle mental wellness day of the months back to the 1940 ‘s. Improved communicating was observed between psychopathology inmates and creative persons, the birth of art psychotherapeutics. Since so the literature contains a wealth of anecdotal benefits back uping humanistic disciplines engagement for mental wellness patients. There is a distinguishable deficiency, nevertheless, of unequivocal decisions or systematic reappraisals. This is highlighted by the first ‘art on prescription ‘ strategy ( 1991 ) , where Stockport GPs prescribed art based therapies to their mental wellness patients. Unfortunately quanti tative informations collected was limited to a general wellness questionnaire, which merely noted a 5-point betterment in overall wellness over 15-weeks ( n=33 ) .3 In 2000, the Health Development Agency ( HDA ) reviewed the grounds of wellness benefits offered through community-based humanistic disciplines undertakings, included mental wellness projects.4 They concluded that although there was sufficient, albeit anecdotal, grounds for betterments in patient well-being and self-pride ; ‘Evaluation harmonizing to wellness standards is infrequent ‘ . ‘It is impossible to give precise inside informations of improved wellness, peculiarly in the visible radiation of the fact that so few undertakings straight provide information on wellness, or societal affairs related to wellness, which are based on formal instruments of measuring ‘ . In 2002, the HDA commissioned the Centre for Arts and Humanities in Health and Medicine ( CAHHM ) to reexamine and measure community-based humanistic disciplines in wellness ‘ . While mental-health was non specifically addressed, the study criticised rating, quantitative evidence,5 sample sizes and highlighted disagreements between healer purposes and medical outlooks, proposing that in future undertakings ; ‘ †¦ .all parties clarify their purposes, premises and demands ‘ . It was non until 2004, when a study by Rosalia Staricoff mentioning 364 documents was published, that a specific literature reappraisal described how single modes of art can profit mental illness.6 She concluded that engagement with art improves self look, creativeness, self-esteem, stress degrees and communicating between service users, their households and the suppliers. It was besides fresh for this type of reappraisal that she offered some medical accounts for the betterments, largely in footings of physiological impact. Sing the unfavorable judgments sing research methodological analysis discussed therefore far, it might be expected to happen a figure of randomized controlled, robust surveies published within the last five old ages. While this reappraisal found many little undertakings and mental wellness anecdotes in reappraisal documents, merely one quantitative survey, published in a scientific research diary was identified. In 2007, 30 patients having chemotherapy who were assigned to a H2O painting category, had significantly reduced ( p=0.021 ) depressive symptoms compared to those assigned to no activity.7 More late ( 2007 ) , the Humanistic disciplines Council produced an extended papers sing art for wellness, which included mental health.8 While it included elaborate information on instance surveies and good pattern, it was light on robust decisions of clinical and curative results, with one major exclusion. Singing for the encephalon demonstrated the important curative benefits singing has upon memory, depression and physical well-being in dementedness sufferers.9 In 2008, an 18-month rural undertaking placed creative persons in Cornish GP patterns to work with mental wellness patients ( Figure 1 ) . While the qualitative result steps were positive ( e.g. patient feedback ) , 10 it is interesting to observe how local consumption of this free enterprise ( 8.6 % ) reflects my planetary observations. Figure 1: Users mosaic displayed in Falmouth surgery. A recent survey ( 2010 ) investigated the significance of art to service users. It made the interesting remark that therapy creates distance from the ‘ †¦ †¦ .perceived subjugation of statutory service suppliers ‘ , 11 helping recovery. While many of the publications discussed are promoting, when the grounds is scrutinised to the same grade as a scientific diary, the field is characterised by good recognised jobs ; subjective nature, little sample sizes, inconsistent or neglected validated rating methodologies.12Personal ExperienceIn November 2010, Arts for Health Cornwall and Isle of Scilly ( AFHC ) commissioned four creative persons to run a 12-month undertaking, Arts response, with purposes to ; ‘ †¦ supply meaningful originative activity chances in community scenes targeted at grownups with mental wellness jobs ‘ . The group I attended consisted of one enthusiastic creative person and seven members who had attended similar strategies in recent old ages or were straight referred by their GP. In a really informal mode, we were encouraged to draw/etch our studies into froth to make printed cards ( Figure 2 ) . The general criterion was much higher than my personal creative activities below demonstrate! Figure 2. My print and cards. This was the 3rd of the group ‘s two-hour Sessionss and what first struck me was how good they had bonded. One lady, for illustration, was absent and they called to look into how she was. Another lady was late ; she had been sing a group member who was holding a ‘bipolar low ‘ , converting her to reach her GP. Finally, after the session they all went for a societal drink. While the benefits of socialization, communicating and originative battle were clear, the proviso of relationships appeared to even supply a potentially robust safety cyberspace. One lady commented on how she had no avocations before go toing a similar group antecedently. From the experience art had grown into an of import portion of her life, she sold her foremost painting last hebdomad, hiking her assurance. Finding added intent and flight from hopelessness has frequently been reported from humanistic disciplines participation.13 The creative person commented that the group was diffident and loath to prosecute ab initio. During this session I could see how single assurance grew with each print success and group encouragement, taking to more proficient and luxuriant designs. I needed to reflect upon how I might derive my coveted consistent, touchable consequences. One lady commented how leery she was that inside informations would be fed back to her surgery, taking me to reason that merely the creative person is in a place to justice consequences. This, nevertheless, would necessarily conflict with their purpose of making a relaxing, stress-free environment, be intrusive and impact their credibleness. From this I realised why so few undertakings offer inquirers during undertakings, allow entirely elaborate mental wellness evaluation graduated tables. It was evident that this type of category succeeds or fails with the creative person. The undertakings must be designed to win with limited participant accomplishment, yet contain the flexibleness to stretch creativeness. By their dependance upon artist creativeness, it seems impossible that undertakings can of all time be standardised.Concluding Contemplation and hereafterSo what have I learned from this experience? While my literature reappraisal highlighted promising grounds ( e.g. singing in dementedness ) , 9 it failed to supply the grounds necessary to convert me that art has a mainstream function in the intervention of mental wellness. Under certain fortunes, nevertheless, exposure to art is contributing to wellness and healing and hence decidedly has a healthcare function. How to measure art strategies to a degree perceived as convincing to mainstream medical specialty is an country of much argument. From my experience, nevertheless, I believe we can ne'er standardize, randomize or placebo control this type of health care. As a effect I can non forsee a clip where we can robustly reply the inquiry, does art intercession work? My experience, nevertheless, allowed me to see the possible benefits, which as a GP I would enthusiastically back and use any local undertakings. Engagement in the procedure has changed many of my preconceived positions. There will ever be a group of persons who ‘modern medical specialty ‘ fails to assist and I think mental wellness is one country which is typified by this thought. The art intercession I witnessed impressed upon me that complementary attacks to wellness can assist in domains frequently ill represented by traditional ‘medical ‘ theoretical accounts of health care ( assurance, self-esteem, communicating ) . Rather than beliing the medical theoretical account, such attacks compliment the thought of handling the emotional and religious demands of the individual holistically. The literature reappraisal and personal contemplation besides highlighted the deficiency of apprehension of what art and wellness involves, particularly by clinicians who are frequently determination shapers and fund holders. In this epoch of asceticism undertakings will be expected to ‘deliver ‘ . With the benefit of experience I now judge an one-year strategy cost-efficient at & A ; lb ; 5,000 ( less than & A ; lb ; 60/hour ) , 14 nevertheless, I am concerned that many art-based undertakings will happen it impossible to make the sensed holy grail of supplying justifiable consequences and their support watercourses could easy be squeezed without an grasp of their benefit and an apprehension of the ‘results ‘ This hazards marginalizing vulnerable groups who are frequently ill represented by traditional medical specialty.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Mass Communication Effects on Indian Society - 3799 Words

ABSTRACT Our world today is increasingly driven by a mass media due to the explosion of different means of communication, especially electronic communication such as satellite TV and Internet. The media is viewed as a source of power that influences, controls, and promotes new standards in the society and reinforces the existing ones. As the media increases in use as our prime source for information and values, there is a great need to critically evaluate inherent socio-political and cultural barriers. This study is conducted to identify inherent socio-political and cultural barriers for mass media impact on Indian society. The study will help to understand the inherent barriers involved in mass media impact through conceptual or†¦show more content†¦Tracking this growth in a meaningful perspective is imperative since its spread and reach have been mired in socio-political and cultural barriers. The complexities that limit the growth of the Indian media story are based on a heady mix of poverty, bias, economics, and the inherent trappings of a religious philosophy that find echo in the fatalistic suppositions of Hinduism. With minimal impact to change the state of the nation, the barriers that come in the way of the free flow of information need to be tackled with more alacrity and awareness, lest the growth gets sucked into the vortex of its own limitations. The advertisement-driven consumerist mooring that is propelling the flawed Indian info-age communication story seems to be a pointer in this direction. 4.1 Wide reach Statistics indicate that in 2001, India had 45,974 newspapers, including 5364 daily newspapers published in over 100 languages. The largestShow MoreRelatedEmergency Period Media1047 Words   |  5 PagesEmergency period media In June, 1975, Indira Gandhis government declared a state of emergency and suspended civil liberties. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Syllabus - Tells You Everything You Need To Know About Your College Class

When I first started college I had no idea what my professor meant when she said she was about to distribute the syllabus. Over the rest of that first day I came to understand that a syllabus is a guide to the course. Many students dont take advantage of the information provided in the syllabus to plan their semester. The syllabus contains all of the information you need to know regarding what is expected of you and what you need to do to prepare for each class. Heres what you will find on the syllabus distributed on the first day of class: Information about the Course Course name, number, meeting times, number of credits Contact Information The professor lists the location of his or her office, office hours (times that he or she is in the office and available for meeting with students), phone number, email, and website, if relevant. Plan to use a professors office hours to get the most out of class. Required Readings Textbook, supplemental books, and articles are listed. Books generally are available in the campus bookstore and sometimes are on reserve in library. Articles are sometimes offered for purchase in the book store, other times are on reserve in the library, and increasingly common, are available on a course or library webpage. Read before class to get the most out of class. Course Components Most syllabi list the items that compose your grade, for example, midterm, paper, and final, as well as the percent each item is worth. Additional sections often discuss each course component. You might find a section on exams, for example, that lists information about when they occur, what form they take, as well as the professors policy on making up exams. Pay particular attention to sections discussing papers and other written assignments. Look for information about the assignment. What are you expected to do? When is the final assignment due? Are you expected to consult the professor prior to beginning your paper or project? Is a first draft required? If so, when? Participation Many professors count participation as part of the grade. Often they will include a section in the syllabus describing what they mean by participation and how they assess it. If not, ask. Professors sometimes say that they simply record it and provide few details on how. If thats the case you might consider visiting during office hours in a few weeks to inquire about your participation, whether it is satisfactory, and whether the professor has any suggestions. Many times participation is used as a synonym for attendance and professors may list it in simply order to address students who do not show up for class. Class Rules/Guidelines/Policies Many professors provide guidelines for class behavior, often in the form of what not to do. Common items address the use of cell phones and laptops, tardiness, respecting others, talking in class, and attention. Sometimes guidelines for class discussions are included. In this section or sometimes a separate section, professors often will list their policies regarding late assignments and their make-up polices. Pay particular attention to these policies and use them to guide your behavior. Also recognize that you can shape professors impressions of you with appropriate class behavior. Attendance Policy Pay particular attention to the professors attendance policies. Is attendance required? How is it recorded? How many absences are permitted? Must absences be documented? What is the penalty for unexcused absences? Students who dont pay attention to attendance policies can be unexpectedly disappointed with their final grades. Course Schedule Most syllabi include a schedule listing due dates for reading and other assignments. Reading List Reading lists are particularly common in graduate classes. Professors list additional readings that are pertinent to the topic. Usually the list is exhaustive. Understand that this list is for reference. Professors likely will not tell you this, but they dont expect you to read the items on the reading list. If you have a paper assignment, however, consult these items to determine if any are of use. One of the simplest and best pieces of advice I can offer you as a student is to read the syllabus and make note of policies and deadlines. Most policy, assignment, and deadline questions I receive can be answered by, Read the syllabus - its in there. Professors dont always remind you of upcoming assignments and due dates. Its your responsibility to be aware of them and to manage your time accordingly. Take advantage of the course syllabus, an important guide to your semester.